Sunday, December 13, 2009

"Christmas For Me"

December 2009 has arrived, people from town to town are getting excited for the much awaited "Christmas Eve". Christmas had gone more exciting nowadays, but the most important part of it was, still we manage to keep with us the true essence of Christmas.

Christmas is not just having parties or just celebrating the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Celebrating isn't enough, in this Christmas Season we must learn to forgive and forget, to share, to love and to be loved. Because the true essence of Christmas is the real meaning of sharing, giving, loving, and we must execute the real essence of Christmas with all our heart and soul.

This coming Christmas I have only 1 wish for all of us, and that could be "peacefulness and contentment in life".

And just this Christmas may we learn to forgive and forget every bad things we have in mind, may we forgive those bad things our fellowmen have given us, and may we love each other and share things together, just this Christmas. So that every single man will have peacefulness in him.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Values Month Celebration

As we welcome the month of November in the year 2009, the Values Department has organized different activities or contest which are held at the gymnasium, field, and at the Values Department.

Some of the activities are Kite Flying, Sayawit, Poster Making, and Tagistalino. And they also conducted a Morning Trivia which is executed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

During this Filipino Values Month Celebration, we the "Mabinians" participated in the said activities and we enjoyed every inch of it. And we won on those different kind of activities or contest.

It had been a joyful November for us, and it is all because of the Values Department.