Monday, August 10, 2009

My Encounter w/ Computer

I really thought T.L.E IV was boring, because we all know that T.L.E IV is all about "Computers", and I find "Computer" boring. I never enjoyed surfing the net, maybe because I wasnt born for the "modern technologies". But then during the 1st quarter of this school year I have learned that "Computers" wasnt that boring or bad at all.

And as for now I havent encountered any serious problems yet regarding computer IV. But I just hate it everytime I creat my post, because I always had a trouble w/ the space bar. the space bar is too hard and whenever i used it, I always had a trouble w/ it.

But then I promised to be more patient enough if ever another trouble or problem will occur.

Proving on I will be more serious in taking up my Computer subject, and I will be more active activities.during class discussions and class

1 comment:

  1. tiang nagriga me mabasa..... lawlawagem ah....... jejejeje...................
