Monday, July 20, 2009

"Are you a healthy one? Coz I am"

A healthy Individual does its proper health care. He/She never do anything wrong w/c can lead in destroying its life. They eat nutritious foods and practice healthy diet, and they always maintain they're good health.

And for as to remain healthy, we must eat nutritious food, and never take cigarrette's, alcohol's, and unperscribed drugs. We must sleep atleast 8 hours a day, drink 8-10 glasses of water and exercise daily. We should aviod going in some "bars" and we must lessen our "gigs" or "gimmicks".We should not be going with the person whom we think is sick, or better yet we should not go near him/her. When we go to a public place or anywhere else we should bring with us a "sanitizer" or an "alcohol".

Always remember, a healthy lifestyle leads us to a longer, happier and more meaningful life.

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